Wisata Raffi Ahmad di Padang (1)

Peluang Usaha Video Shooting Editing Fotografi

Peluang Usaha Video Shooting Editing

Selagi ada orang hidup, menikah, beraktivitas, melakukan kegiatan usaha dll, selagi itulah dunia videografi atau video production (Video Shooting/Video Editing) masih tetap dibutuhkan.


Walaupun kenyataanya tidak semua divideokan. Namun teknologi tercanggih yang selalu update adalah dunia video production dan penyiaran/broadcasting (televisi).

Potensi Pasar

Namun tidak semua (perlu) divideokan. Misalnya untuk skala kecil; tidak semua pernikahan mau membayar untuk divideokan.

Seyogyanya jika anda menceburi usaha ini, sebaiknya anda juga membuka studio foto atau setidaknya melayani jasa dokumentasi foto walaupun tanpa studio; sebab ini ebih dipilih orang ketimbang dok video.

Sejalan dengan usaha jasa pernikahan yang paling besar memakan biaya adalah Usaha Catering, Pelaminan, Pakaian Adat dan Percetakan Undangan.

Idealnya kalau ingin sukses dan cepat dapat income yang besar ya bisnis ini jalani. Namun jika belum sanggup setidaknya Design Undangan jangan lewatkan.

Teknik Promosi

Tidak perlu tempat yang strategis dalam bisnis Wedding ini, walaupun itu perlu, berikan Kualitas dan Layanan terbaik anda akan dicari dan dipakai orang terus. Buatlah Promo:

  1. Online: Gunakan situs promo usaha jasa dagang online, spt Olx, Bukalapak, Sosial Media, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram untuk PROMOSI GRATIS. TERUS UPDATE. Sekali-sekali perlu juga Iklan Berbayar, jika perlu.
  2. Offline/Printed – Membuat brosur dengan desain yang unik dan menarik berisi informasi yang Anda tawarkan.
    Iklan: Mengiklankan di media massa cetak/elektronik yang ada di lokal kota Anda.
    Kartu Nama; Memberikan kartu nama Anda kepada teman, keluarga atau koneksi Anda seperti pelaku bisnis video shooting, EO / WO dll.
    Membuat blog/Website untuk menampilkan penggalan video hasil editing Anda dan tip-tip mengedit serta mentransfer video ke format VCD atau DVD dengan hasil yang berkualitas.
    Bergabung dalam forum-forum diskusi online yang membahas topik sesuai dengan bisnis yang Anda tekuni. Untuk menambah wawasan dan update perkembangan terkini, peralatan dan teknik editing.
Potensi Pasar

– Masyarakat umum yang hobi mengambil gambar video.
– Pelaku bisnis video shooting.
– Even Wedding/Organizer (EO).

Hal-hal penting yang perlu diketahui tentang bisnis ini :
Kreativitas memiliki peranan penting.
Kekayaan ide dalam membuat animasi/memberikan efek visual pada video.

  • Kesabaran

Dari berbagai sumber.



One Reply to “Peluang Usaha Video Shooting Editing Fotografi”

  1. Unblock myspace In Vietnam

    facebook itself was blocked in Vietnam in 2009. anybody who’s going, Or anybody who’s already there, You’re want to weigh your options if you want to unblock Facebook in Vietnam. It’s pretty easy to get access to your Facebook account here’s prior to buying think about.

    will you be using a smart phone or tablet? IPhone, iPad, And Android devices are can use numerous things to unblock Facebook in Vietnam. One is termed a proxy. Proxies work by redirecting your browsing activity to a new computer outside Vietnam, to change your IP address. This works to obtain blocked site anywhere, Because it’s mostly by your IP address that your ISP is able to block access to certain sites from your phone or computer.

    Another option for mobile devices is called a VPN. This offers higher security that proxies that uses more layers of disguise for your IP browsing activity. Eventually, Most of Vietnam will be using this because the normal trend is that proxies are getting blocked. It’s clear that why this is the lack of defense they have against Internet censorship bots.

    for the other hand, Many proxies are net based, Meaning that together with download anything on your computer. This means that you can use the proxy browser anywhere, On any computer system. apple pc, individual computer, And all your phones or TVs that connect to the Internet can use that IP changing browser to signs a woman likes you unblock Facebook in Vietnam.

    One disadvantage of using a VPN is that many times you only pay for multiple subscriptions (for example, working with it on your iPhone and Mac or Android and PC). Price may be a killer for some. A VPN subscription will cost you about ten dollars a month. High security and trustworthiness comes at a cost.

    If you’re using a cellular devices, You should choose a PPTP or L2TP VPN. There are other possibilities, But in, One of these two VPN protocols will be best for cellular devices to unblock Facebook in Vietnam.

    If you have Windows XP/Vista/7, a linux systemunix (All versions), Or macintosh OS/X, the best choice to unblock Facebook in Vietnam is to change your IP address with what’s called a SSL/OpenVPN. The breakthrough version of VPNs, This is typical protocol for VPN users in China, Where Internet censorship may appear far more strict than Vietnam. These systems are also able to connect to proxies, But I prefer VPNs because of practicality. VPNs, Once connected with, Can be left running device while you surf the Internet with your new IP address. proxies however, Require that you type URLs into a wonderful browser window, And accidentally using the wrong browser can mean you need to go back to the proxy site (Or internet connection) And restart your scanning session.

    Whichever method you choose to unblock Facebook in Vietnam, if you intend on watching video from Youtube, Hulu, Or Netflix count on, A little more a month will pay off as far as connection speeds and reliability goes. it happens to be tempting to get a cheap VPN, But from my knowledge, I’ve learned you may what you pay for. Video streaming is a pain already, And using a proxy or VPN to stream video can further slow down your signal if your using a server that’s got all its bandwidth eaten up by other users.

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